Wanna Post Your Own Sticky Note Drawing? ;3

Artwork Cover By: jus.okei !

Hiya! So I need a bit of help with something real quick gang! 

Do you have a silly doodle on a posted note that you want to appear in the game? Well, send them in! I'll be happy to add them to the game in the future!

Just send them to my Gmail BinderWhiskers@gmail.com 

Here's some rules before you start tho:

1. Tittle your submission "Normal Man Sticky Note Submission"

2. Next to the Image, title what you think the artwork is called.

3. Give me your Socials to credit you in the game!

And Tada! You're an honorary Sticky Bandit!


"Sticky Bandit? What is that?" you may ask.

Well, the Sticky Bandits is a prank organization where people get to put silly drawings and posted notes all over the mannequins!

It all started with me being bored in class one day and decided to put a shark head on a mannequin one day. Me and my friends had a good laugh. After that, I got bored again and thought "What if I made silly drawings and put them on a plastic man?" And I kept doing it and doing it day after day. And eventually, my friends in class joined in. We took a lot of pictures of our time there and it weirdly bonded us in a way. To the point where we kept in contact after the semester ended. It was nice! And the funny thing is, a lot of mutuals from my campus posted stories of the mannequins. Saying things like "What is this?" "This is funny as hell" It was getting pretty popular and a lot of people liked it! I was honestly surprised about that. 

tl;dr: This whole plastic man with silly drawings started as a prank, but I wanted to do more with this creation.


So that's the origin of Normal Man! 

By the way, If you somehow find a plastic man around your area or campus, put a posted note and send it to me! I'll add it to the game!

You can also find me on BlueSkyTwitter , & Insta!

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